Nursery Weekly Plan May 4th-8th, 2020

Dear Parents, 
Welcome to a new week! I know it's been hard getting used to this new way of teaching but you are doing a great job and by looking at pictures and videos we can see your children are happy as well. We are here for you and we can't wait to have them back at school playing and enjoying. This is a very special week, we are celebrating Teacher's Appreciation Week and Mother's Day! So we have a lot of fun activities! This Friday we will have a Family Zoom Call, so please tune in so you and your child can both enjoy a fun day! Keep sending pictures and videos. See you soon!
Love, Ms. Ale!

Circle Time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhymes and also do a thick and thin line art. 

For this activity we need paper, paint and paintbrush. We are going to put the paint in a flat surface (plate) and we are going to start making lines this will be thin and thick. We can also use our magic finger to paint. After we are done we are going to review which ones are thick and which ones are thin. 

Activity: Tape number trace.
We are going to use tape or paper and put it on the floor. Using crayons or markers the child will trace the numbers 0-5. Show them to start from top to bottom. You can start of by doing 1 by 1 and than tell them to play a game with you where you are going to say the number and he would have to go to the number and do it. That way we are also doing number identification. 

Sensory Activity: Splashing water with a fly swatter. 
First we are going to grab a bucket and put water on it. Than use any animals or objects you have that flout. Than the child will splash them using the fly swatter. Once this is done he can transfer from one bucket to another one. Also review colors of the objects you use. 

Circle Time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhymes and in & out fruit toss. 

For this activity we need a bucket, tape and fruits or vegetables. We are going to count 5 feet apart from the bucket and make a line. This gross motor activity objective is to learn and and out positions, also to learn to through under hand or over the head. It's also important to say what is the name of the fruit, what color is it. Count how many go in and how many stay out. 

Activity: Matchstick Colour Drop.
For this activity we need a plastic or metal can with a front. We are going to make small holes on the top using a scissor, knife or a cutter. Than we are painting the cuts of different colors. We are than gonna use the wood sticks or tooth pick. Give the child paint of the same color or use markers. Than have them put inside the can in the correct color. The objective is fine motor and color review. 

Sensory Activity: Natural Science Loop Reggio Approach.
This activity encourages your child to explore and investigate. This activity also helps appreciate natural resources and free play. First thing is go out side and find different natural objects you find outside and but them somewhere you can explore using the loop. Use your touch sense to fill if its soft or rough, is it big or small. 

Circle Time: We are going to have story telling "The Teacher song ". 

Activity: Teacher Drawing!
For this activity we are going to need markers, paints or crayons. We are going to ask our child to draw their teacher and the favorite thing about her. After this we want you to send us a picture of the drawing and ask your child to give you a small explanation of what they draw. 

Sensory Activity: Water play with eye drops. 
Water Play with Eye Droppers involves collecting water in the eye dropper from a bowl and transferring the water into plastic bottle top lids. This activity provides an opportunity to explore creatively and promotes the development of coordination and concentration. You can also use a spoon. 

Circle Time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhymes and pleasant and unpleasant behavior. 

We are going to share pleasant behaviours with our child. By having them help in the house chores and how this chores is something pleasant for everyone. 

Activity: Cards number match.
We are going to play a number match game with them, they’re great for number recognition!First sort out all the cards 2-10 and take out the rest. Than taped all the hearts – any suit would work – on the wall.You can even taped the rest of the suits just like that, tape on the back. And laid them all out for the child to grab. The child could have matched all the 2s at one time, then all the 3s. That way it really reinforced number recognition. You can also just mix them all up and have them recognise where they belong. 

 Sensory Activity: Card for Mother's Day!
We are going to make a card for mom. For this we are going to need: white paper or color paper and paint. We can do 2 different finger painting. The first one we can draw a circle and have them do a flower using their fingers and the second one we can do is print their hands using different colors. Than we are going to put them all together and make the card!

Circle Time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhymes and ZUMBA DANCE FOR MOM! This activity will also be done in a zoom meeting this day at 10am. 

Activity: Cooking Heart Biscuits for Mom. 

You will need:
125g of softened butter
1 medium egg
50g icing sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
225g plain flour
225g icing sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons of warm water
Food colouring of your choice
Sprinkles - to decorate

You will also need:
Non-stick tray
Rolling Pin

1) Grease two baking trays, measure out the butter and put into a large bowl - beat it until it is smooth. Sift in the icing sugar using a sieve and mix again.

2) Break the egg into a small bowl and add the vanilla extract, mix well with a fork.
3) Add the mixture from step two into the large bowl, add a small amount at a time and mix well between each addition.
4) Next add the flour. Use your hands to bring the dough together.

5) Wrap the dough in cling film or a plastic bag and place into the fridge for around half an hour. Put the oven on to warm - 180 degrees or gas mark 4.
6) Now roll out the dough, and using cookie cutters create your biscuit shapes.

7) Bake for 10-15 minutes - you may need to move the biscuits around on the tray half way through to prevent the ones on the outside from burning. Leave them to cool once they are cooked. Add to each cookie with a blunt knife. While the icing is still moist add the sprinkles. You may want to pour the sprinkles into a bowl and press your biscuit down into them. If you decide to sprinkle them on top be sure to press them down to make sure they stick.

Sensory Activity: Fine motor threading for Nature.
For this activity we will need play dough or home made dough ( flour and water), we also need sticks and leafs. The idea is to make holes on the leafs (you can use a scissor, knife, fork, pencil) to make them and then have the child threading this. 

Happy week! Remember to send pictures and videos. Stay home & stay safe!
Enjoy every activity and we will see you on Friday for Mother's day celebration!
Love, Ms. Ale
