Nursery Weekly Plan March 16-20th

Dear Parents, 
The creation of this blog is to help us keep children active at home with this stimulation activities in all areas of development. In this blog you will find songs, activities, instructions and tips to continue with the education curriculum development, while we resume classes. I hope this will be very helpful and I thank you in advance for all the support at home to carry out all the activities and continue proactively achieving proper development in children. Please send us photos of the activities you do at home through kinderlime. I will be constantly observing my kinderlime for any advice, suggestion or feedback while we are at home. Let's be safe and stay home and appreciate this time we have with our little ones. Love, Ms. Ale! 

Circle time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhyme so the child feels engaged and can enjoy the activities.

Activity: Hopscoth shapes and colors.
This is a gross motor activity that will help the child review colors and shapes. 
Instructions: Using construction paper or any color paper (you can also use white paper and have the kids color the shape) cut different shapes such as triangle, square, heart, rectangle, star, circle, diamond. Spread the shapes on the floor and ask your child to stand on one. Keep playing the game as long as you want to. Give high fives when the activity is over. 

Sensory Activity: Number memory game
Instructions: Printout or make your own number flash cards 0-5. Just as a memory game turn around the cards and take turns to find the correct pair. Everytime  you turn a card say the name of the number out loud.
 Circle time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhyme so the child feels engaged and can enjoy the activities. After doing the songs we invite you to see this story about natural phenomenas and disasters. 


Activity: Volcano Experiment.
Follow the instructions in the video and send us pictures !

Sensory Activity: Using tweezer to build up fine motor skills.
Instructions: Grab two cups, you can put different materials (pasta, beans, cereal)  using the tweezer they have to move from one cup to another.


 Circle time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhyme so the child feels engaged and
  can enjoy the activities. We are also going to play "Bingo". You can print out or make your own.

Activity: Hurricane disaster.
Instructions: Follow the instructions on the image below.

Sensory Activity: Pasta Play 
Instructions: This Activity you will need Uncooked spaghetti and  colander. Posting spaghetti through a colander helps with fine motor and concentration skills.

 Circle time: We are going to sing some of our favorite nursery rhyme so the child feels engaged and
  can enjoy the activities. After finishing the songs we are going to exercise by doing Yoga class. 


Activity: Tornado experiment 
Follow the instructions below have fun and send pictures.

Sensory Activity: Fine motor rainbow play.
Instructions: For this activity we need toilet paper tube you can glue this to a surface so it is stable to put rubber bands around it. The idea of activity is for the child to put the rubber bands in the tube.

Circle time: We are going to exercise our body and dance off! By using this video of zumba class we invite your whole family to enjoy!

Activity: Rainbow Fruit Loop Towers! 
Instructions: For this activity we will need fruit loops cereal, straws, dried sphaghetti or sticks and play dough. First of all we are making small playdough balls, than in the middle of the ball we are putting any of the materials (sticks, dried spaghetti or straws). We are going to have the child separate the fruit loop cereal by colors, having a stick for each one. 

Sensory Activity: Line Walking. 
Instructions: using tape or any materials that you think can be used, make lines on the floor and have your child walk on top of them following it. You can use different designs as well. Once you're done you can also use this lines to put blocks, legos or other game. 

We have some tips for you please remember to keep showing the kids the importance of hand washing and correct way to cough. Here you have some videos to help! 

Have a great week and enjoy every activity!
Love, Ms Ale!
